دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم American Experience: Walt Disney

(BY Joel Goodman)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم American Experience: Walt Disney

Download American Experience: Walt Disney Soundtrack By Joel Goodman

ژانر : Score

سال : 2015

کشور : USA

فرمت : MP3

کیفیت : 320kbps

حجم : 103MB

مدت زمان : 43:59

Track (Number) : 23

1. Walt (1:59)
2. Time With Family (2:17)
3. The New Burbank Studio (3:12)
4. Back Home in Marceline (2:53)
5. Suppressed By Stress and Smoke (3:09)
6. The King of Disneyland (1:41)
7. Walt Travels the World (1:50)
8. Early Success (1:20)
9. Revolutionizing an Industry (2:08)
10. Provoking the Labor Union (1:31)
11. The Simple Joy of Model Trains (2:32)
12. Conflicts and Communism (2:07)
13. His Legacy Lives On (1:39)
14. Striving for Acceptance (1:32)
15. Magic & Mystery (1:54)
16. Snow White Is Born (1:17)
17. Inspired By Uncle Remus (2:10)
18. Discovering Disneyland (1:48)
19. These Are Not Cartoons (1:47)
20. Leaving Marceline (1:01)
21. Strike At the Studio (2:04)
22. Opening Night Anxiety (0:56)
23. Building Disneyland (1:12)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم American Experience: Walt Disney

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم American Experience: Walt Disney – توسط جول گودمن

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