دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Umurangi Generation Macro

(BY ThorHighHeels)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Umurangi Generation Macro

Download Umurangi Generation Macro Soundtrack By ThorHighHeels

ژانر : Score

سال : 1999 (1971)

کشور : Netherlands

فرمت : MP3

کیفیت : 320kbps

حجم : 214MB

مدت زمان : 1:19:41

Track (Number) : 51

1. TARIQ INTRO (0:34)
2. Costa del Dolphin (2:09)
3. Dancing At the Precipice (2:49)
4. Squadron (2:42)
5. negative yellow [FINISH] (0:39)
7. Haven (2:11)
8. Tariq’s Rap (1:12)
9. wrong cable (1:25)
10. i cri in da club (0:44)
11. D is Dolphin (0:38)
12. sad dolphion (0:48)
13. boogiebitch (1:14)
14. DONT FORGET TO EQ (0:39)
15. yeehaw (1:08)
16. nose (0:31)
17. The FAT standard (1:11)
18. THE GLORIOUS U.N. (2:12)
19. Scarlett Dawn (3:34)
20. keycard ting (2:06)
21. Crimson Skies (2:02)
22. Beyond (1:22)
23. Vermilion Sun (1:54)
24. Red (1:04)
25. Mech Hangar (1:48)
26. Blood Sea (2:38)
27. toxic waste uwu (1:55)
28. CrymeTyme (1:45)
29. The Bottom Barrel Baby Boys (3:08)
30. Operation fuck off (1:31)
31. Laura Runs Away… (1:32)
32. Día de los condenados (2:08)
33. aaaaaaaaaaa (1:00)
34. The 99 Gang (1:47)
35. A Glimmer of Hope in the Darkness (1:32)
36. GREEN (1:28)
37. from the lights (1:39)
38. round up the facist bully boys (1:30)
39. burn em all (0:51)
40. peaceful protests very nice and orderly (1:28)
41. mystery arrest (0:51)
42. civil unrest (0:48)
43. ‘both sides’ (1:31)
44. STAND BACK (1:28)
45. bible (1:15)
46. rubber bullets (0:48)
47. embers (1:36)
48. as dawn clears the smoke (1:34)
50. Cloud McStrife R (2:12)
51. sad congratulation (0:53)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Umurangi Generation Macro

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Umurangi Generation Macro – توسط ThorHighHeels

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